Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Boat Parade!

Tonight I'm going to be in the Boat Parade for Chino Hills!!!! My boat, the Buzzibbon II, is going to become Whoville for the second year in a row complete with Who girls(that's me!), the Grinch, and his trusty dog Max(at least that's what I think is going to happen).
Last year, I didn't get to be in the boat parade. :( I had to go to practice, and when we got home, it was already over. But now, I get to finally be a Who. And better yet, I might get to be in the Chino Hills Champion!!!!!(that's our local newspaper)
I'm so excited for tonight!!!! If you want to see the parade, go to Peyton Drive tonight by Ayala(ewwwww) at around 6 o'clock. Be's going to be FREEZING!!!!!!! And keep a lookout for Whoville!!!!
See ya soon(or maybe tonight...)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Promise Fuffliled...Never Mind:(

Heyy!!!! I wanted to show some pics of my trips that I took in August...I'm sorry that I didn't do this earlier! we go!

Well...I just discovered that I cant put pictures on my blog anymore! I'm going to try again. Hold on uno momento... I can't do it! It's so sad! You guys will never see my pictures(Unless you are Reily, Darby, Meghan, Courtney, Paige, or Ahma and Ampa)! :( Oh well. It's ok, I guess.

See ya soon!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I am so excited for Christmas!!!! In two days, I go on Winter Break!!!!! I am soooo ready for the TWO WEEK BREAK!!!! Need I say more?
I can't wait for Christmas. I asked for boots(I've never had any), a iHome(the one I have now is kinda broken), and other tiny stuff. If you can, write on my comments what you want for Christmas. Thanks!
See ya soon!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Scats!!!!!!(And a Bunch of other Random Stuff)

If you don't know what Scats is, its a gymnastics place in Chino. And we're going there tomorrow!!!!! And by we're, I mean High School group at church.
I am soooo excited to go there! There are foam pits(I mean, c'mon! It's awesome!!!!), trampolines, and other stuff that you see gymnasts like Shawn Johnson(Dancing with the Stars champ; what could be better?) play on. I'm soo excited.
Now to the random stuff. I'm watching Sonny with a Chance. It's one of the newer ones. Its when that weird guy(I don't know his name) tries to get Sonny to confess that she likes Chad Dylan Cooper. I think she and Chad would be cute together, just like Joe and Stella on JONAS and Lily and Oliver on Hannah Montana. I know, I still watch Disney Channel. But I like it!!!!
Well, I'm gonna let my sisters go on the computer. Thanks for listening to my randomness.
See ya soon!

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Changes, And a Big Feast

Well, I don't know if you've noticed but my blog looks a little different doesn't it(And if you didn't notice... WOW!)? If you want to have an awesome background like me, go to and read about it.
Thanksgiving yesterday was soooo great. My grandparents came over for a great feast with turkey, green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pineapple cake, pumpkin cobbler and pie, raspberry pie, apple pie, and the awesome cranberry sauce. The dinner was awesome(Thanks Mom!) and so was the desert(Again, thanks Mom!) I hope all of you had a great time doing whatever you did for Thanksgiving with your family. I know I did!
See ya soon!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner!!!!!

I had the most AMAZING dinner ever! I loved every dish! Oh, and im thankful for my awesome grandparents! I love you guys! Love, brooke.

Cell-Phone Blogging

I'm trying out my new blogging device! Its so exciting! I can't wait to see this on the Internet!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Tonight is the biggest football game of the year!!!!!! Our team is playing Ayala! And we're gonna win!!!!!!!
Of course the game had to be at Ayala:(. But we will show that we own the doghouse.
Speaking of a doghouse, my team finished second in league!!!!!!!!!!! That's HUGE!!!! We beat Ayala and Diamond Bar in two games, but when we played them last, we beat them in three. we shut them down!!!! Our last game was yesterday, and now we have the end-of-the-year banquet to look forward to in a couple weeks!
Thanks for reading!
See ya soon!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Frosh/Soph Volleyball!

My team ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! So far, our record is 8 wins, and 1 loss. That's AMAZING!!!!! The only teams we've lost to are Los Osos and St. Lucy's :(. Oh, and we had an amazing day today at the Ayala Frosh/Soph tournament. Let me tell you about it.
Today we played awesome. We beat 5 teams, and we lost to two, Los Osos and St. Lucy's. We got third overall! 3RD PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of how well we did today.
Way to go Kira, Dani, Brooke, Taylor, Alexis, Amanda, Jessica, Christy, Kiana, and Tiffany! You guys all did great!!! I'm so glad I'm on the team with you guys. Thanks Kass for being an awesome coach!!!!! We COULDN'T have done it with out you.
See ya soon!
P.S. To all the Huskies who read this: Be on the lookout for a bright shiny trophy arriving at school on Monday!:)

Monday, September 7, 2009

School Updates

To start this blog entry, I made the Frosh/Soph team!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! Our first game is tomorrow against San Dimas. I am pretty sure that we will be motivated enough to beat them. Keep your fingers crossed that we do!
Speaking of school, my first week was good. I'm tired already. The order(and teachers)of my classes are:
1st period:Health Careers I(Mrs. Baun)
2nd period:Algebra I(Ms. Barberi)
3rd period:English 9H(Mr. Murphy)
4th period:Biology H(Mr. Alarcon)
6th period:P.E. 10-12(Mr. Baik)(Don't ask me why I have this class, I don't have a clue)
7th period:Spanish I(Ms. Barberi)(Yes, my math and Spanish teachers are the same people)
So, there you have it! School has been fun so far. Just pray that I don't forget where my classes are(There are a couple blondes in my family, so it's in my blood =)).
See ya soon!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Sorry I haven't wrote in a while, but so much stuff has happened this week. There are only three short days until school starts!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo excited about this!!!!!!!!!!
On Wednesday, my freshman class of 2013 met together for the first annual Link Crew Orientation. My Link Crew person(technically, I don't know what her official position is) is Sandra, a senior at my school. OMG, I'm so excited to start!!!! I can hardly wait to start!!!!! Oh, and BTW, I had my last practice of this week today. Probably tomorrow I will find out if I made the Frosh/Soph team. Keep your fingers crossed that I make it!!!! Thanks!
See ya soon!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


8 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was(but still is)fun. My aunt's sister, Kendie(or Kendra)is staying with us while she attends a firefighter academy at Mt. Sac. I don't see her a lot, so it will be nice to hang out with her while she is here.
On Wednesday, I have another freshman orientation. But tomorrow, I have my first official practice with my entire team!!!!! I'm so excited for that. I will tell you bout that tomorrow!
See ya soon!

Friday, August 21, 2009


I just got back from an awesome vacation at Hume Lake!!!!!! But we'll talk bout that later. There are only ten days till school starts. I am so excited!!!!! Speaking about school, Courtney's teacher is Mrs. Silva, and Paige's teacher is Mrs. Croyt. I can't wait to find out who my teachers are, and I cannot hardly wait to start school!
See ya soon!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Home at Last, But Not For Long

Yesterday, at around 4:30 P.M., the fully decorated Candy Apple(that was our van's name) arrived at 14106 Sweet Grass Lane. Let me say something: I AM SOOOOOO GLAD TO BE HOME!!!!!!! I loved visiting Montana, but it was so nice to sleep in my own bed and not have my sheets taken away(Thanks Ry!), and not to be kicked in the legs(Again, thanks Ry!).
But as this title states, I am home for only two days until I leave Chino Hills once again for Hume Lake in Central California. I love it up there. It is so peaceful and serene. And the best part is,(actually there's two best parts) I get to spend quality time with God, and not only is my dad going to be a counselor, and my sister is going to be in the Jr. High section of the camp, but the rest of my family are going to be renting a cabin until Wednesday! I am so excited to have this happen.
When I get back from Hume, I will show my favorite pics from both vacations. Then we will start the countdown for...
See ya soon!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Montana So Far

OMG!!!!!! Montana is such a great place!!!! Our vacation has been wonderful! Let me tell you what we have done so far.
On Wednesday, the Mintons, my grandparents, and my family went on a tour of West Glacier National Park in one of the famous Red Bus Tours. We learned so much about the park, and we got to see some amazing sights. Thursday, we went white-water rafting down the Middle-Fork of the Flathead River. It was so much fun!!!! We went down class 2 and 3 rapids. The best rapid would have to be the Bone Crusher. I almost fell out of the raft on that one! But it was still great. Yesterday our family took a boat tour around Many Glacier in East Glacier. We also took some absolutely breathtaking hikes around Lake Josephine. That was really fun. Today, though, would have to be my favorite part of the trip so far. Earlier this morning, we had a energetic photographer, named Jamie, come over to my grandparents house, so she could take pictures of us! It was fun posing for pictures and getting to see more of the town that my grandparents live in. The pictures should be ready on Monday. We are anxiously awaiting that day!!!!
There are some of the things that I have done so far. Be prepared for more updates!!!!
See ya soon!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Reily's Blog Test Drive

My BFF, Reily Minton, wanted to know what it was like to write on a blog. I decided to let her test drive on my blog. it goes!

I'm in Montana! I don't know if Brooke has told you or not, but we drove up here in a 15-seater van with all ten of us and our luggage crammed inside. The first day, we took 16 and a half hours just to get to our hotel!! (van trouble - don't ask). The second day, Meg almost got sick. The third day, we got to the Buzz's grandparent's house. (whew! made it!) And today, we're going to Glacier, NP. Oh, boy - another drive. Only 2 hours to get there, but it is a 6 hour drive around the park! Trust me - if we survived 16, we'll survive this!
Oh, and by the way, in case you're wondering, I'm the girl you see in the first 2 pics. The one next to Brooke. =)

That wasn't so bad...was it? Anyways, see ya soon!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Montana & Hume or Bust!

Soon, (and by soon I mean Friday) I will be leaving sunny and busy California for beautiful and quiet Montana. The great part of the trip is not only are we going to see beautiful sights, go horseback riding, go river rafting, and do so many more things, we also get to travel with our friends, the Mintons! The bummer about the trip is that we are spending three, never mind make that FOUR AND A HALF(you can now probably tell that I don't like long road trips) days driving up there in a rented 15 passenger van. After we get back from Montana, our whole family is going to Hume Lake for summer camp! The theme is called, Hey Rube. It is a clown theme(Please pray for me and Meghan because we both don't like clowns!). This entire month is going to be soooo much fun!
When I get back from vacation, I will tell you all about our trip. And then school starts!!
See ya soon!

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Trip To The Beach

Yesterday, my family and close friends went down to the beach for a day of fun. Because of the surf contest that happened at Huntington Beach yesterday, we didn't get down to Bolsa Chica until 5:00. But we still had fun down in the water, searching for seashells,and eating at the campfire. We even found what we thought was a very smelly jellyfish buried on the beach! I thought I would share some pictures from the trip.

Meg and I in the car on our way to the beach.

Meg, Mom, and Susanne just chillin!

Kyle offered to pose for me!

Ryan being sweet!

We all had a great time last night. I hope you can see that in these pictures. See ya soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

High School Group Events

I have only been in High School group at church for a couple of weeks now, but we have already had several fun events. Here are the ones that I did(and will be doing)this week.
On Monday, we went to Laser Quest in Chino to play lazertag. This was so much fun! We all chose code names(mine were: I <3 Cindr, Buzzattack, and Bruce), and then we proceeded into the game. We went over all the rules in a special room, and then we entered the Airlock to put on vests and to wait for our mission to begin. Once we began we had 30 seconds to hide, and then before you know it, there were lasers shooting everywhere aiming for targets on your vest. The sad thing was, only 23 people showed up, and out of those 23, only five girls came(including me!). But it was still very fun.
Today, I have another event at my church. It is called Make Your Own Movie Scavenger Hunt. Each team is given their own camera, a theme(like High School Musical, a romantic comedy, etc.), and a list of things to find. Once we find the things in the list, we have to use them in the movie that we make! I am so excited for this!
That's an update in my life! See ya soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

High School Update

There are two updates that I want to mention that have to involve high school. The first one is...
I start high school volleyball camp tomorrow. I will either play the summer league for the JV team or the Frosh/Soph team. I really don't care which one I play for, I just want to get playing time, and I hope to get better as the summer progresses.
The second update is that I have discovered that I will be part of the Health Sciences Academy at C.H.H.S., and I also now know my class schedule. Here are the orders of my classes:
1st period: ROP Health
2nd period: Algebra 1
3rd period: English 9 Honors
4th period: Biology Honors
5th period: LUNCH!!!!!
6th period: P.E. 9
7th period: Spanish 1
8th period: (I'm guessing that this period is in the works for the administration of my school)
Finding this information has made me even more excited for school to start. A date to put in the calendar: August 31st is the day I start high school!
See ya soon!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

2009 Volleyball Festival

This past week, I have been in Phoenix, Arizona for the Volleyball Festival. On Saturday, me, my mom, and my two sisters spent four and a half hours driving from Chino Hills to Phoenix. That evening, my club, Rancho Valley, went to the Opening Ceremonies. My entire team dressed up in tie dye shirts, shorts, flip flops, and light up glasses. Then, after what seemed like waiting for forever in 110 degree heat, we went into the Phoenix Convention Center. Our team was introduced, and we walked down a giant catwalk! I felt like a superstar!
The next few days went by VERY SLOWLY. From Sunday to Tuesday, we played regular pool play. The first day was tough. We ended up third in our seed. But Monday and Tuesday were our comeback days. We came first in our pool both times! On Tuesday night and the whole day on Wednesday was spent with my parents and my sisters. Wednesday morning, we went to the Sky Harbor Airport to pick up Meghan and Dad, who had just arrived from Miami(you can read about this story on Meghan's blog, Bug's Blog). The rest of the day was spent hanging out at the pool.
On Thursday, we were prepared to play with only six players. Two of our teammates had gotten strep throat over the week, so we played the first game with no subs. I played middle blocker in that game. That was so much fun! By the second match, both of our sick players had gone to Urgent Care, and they had decided to play with us. That day ended with us in fourth place. On Friday, our last day, we played with seven players. On our last game of the year, after we had lost our first match, my dad offered me two dollars if i made a jump serve over. I took up his offer. The first serve of the game was from me. I jump served, and it was an ace!!!!!! We ended up losing the game but it was still awesome for two reasons: my team had fun for the last time together as a team, and I got two bucks!
The 2009 Volleyball Festival was so much fun! I want to send a shoutout to Kennedy, Emily, Danica, Dani, Clarissa, Taylor, Rocky, and Michelle for a great season. I will miss you all so much!!!! Hope to see you all next year!
See ya soon!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Freshman Orentation

On Saturday, my soon to be high school, Chino Hills High, had its freshman orentation. The entire theme was western, so there were cactuses, cowboy boots, bandanas, and lassos. When we walked through the student entrance, there were cheerleaders, athletes, and students in a line leading toward the gym cheering and waving bandanas in the air. We walked in the gym, where we met several student leaders, and some teachers. Then we gathered in groups, and we were given tours of the school. We saw the two gyms, the Chinese and German language rooms, the art room, the theatre, and many others. After that, all the incoming freshmen gathered in the center of the school, which is called Center Ice, and we signed up for summer activities that we would like to participate in. It was great to see all the friends that I left in elementary school. And to top that, some of them are going to the volleyball camp during summer, just like me!
Hope you enjoyed this update! See ya soon!

My "Suite" Adventure Part II

Sorry for getting back SO late to you on this, but I have news on the taping that I went to on April 24. IT WAS SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to bring any cameras or cellphones into the building, so I only have the pictures that I took before we went into the stage.

Me right after finding out that we got the tickets!

Mikaela during our break at McDonald's.

The Hollywood sign from the off-ramp in L.A.

The taping itself was so fun. We saw an episode that was ready to premiere on Disney Channel. Then we saw the episode that was going to be taped. Im so sorry, but I'm not supposed to share anything about the episode that we saw taped. I'll just say that the S.S. Tipton visits the famous Bermuda Triangle.

Thanks for wanting to read about my suite adventure! See ya soon!

Monday, April 20, 2009

My "Suite" Adventure Part I

On Friday, I am going to take the adventure of a lifetime at Disney Studios in Burbank. If you carefully looked at the title of this post, and if you are a frequent Disney Channel viewer, you might have guessed that my adventure would have to do with the show "The Suite Life on Deck". Well, on Friday, I am going to go see the show be taped! And the best part is, the tickets might be backstage passes! Let me tell you how I got the tickets.
It all started on a Wednesday night about a month in a half ago. Me and my friend Mikaela went to a Clippers game that night with her dad, and his friend. On the way to the game, he began to talk about "The Suite Life on Deck" and how he happened to know the producer of the show. We asked if he could get tickets, and I got a call from Mikaela the next day saying that we got the tickets! I am so excited to go there.
I will update you on my adventure on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Till then, see ya soon!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Update on My Life!

Hey everyone! Just thought that I'd let people know what I've been doing lately.
Well, I have just joined the Tech Team in my juinor high group at church. Today was my first official job. It was so much fun! Well... except for the part when I couldn't get a slideshow to show up on the projection screen. Oh well. Better luck next time on that part. =)
Another event in my life is the desicion on high school. Oh my gosh, I will be a freshman next year! YIKES!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I(and by that I mean, my parents)have filled out a transfer application for Chino Hills High School! I am number fourteen on the waiting list. Please be praying for me to get in the freshmen class. I am really hoping to get in, so thank you for your prayers!
That's basically all the new stuff in my life! See ya soon!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me and my Mom!!!!!

On Sunday, my mom turned forty, and I turned fourteen! My birthday was definately one of the best birthdays ever.
Saturday night, we went to a surprise birthday for my mom. All of her freinds came and we had a great time. It was nice to see my mom just smile and have fun with her friends. Thank you to all the people who came to my mom's party! It was a huge success!!!
On Sunday, me and my mom woke up super early. We both got to open a few presents and then we were in the car, driving to church. In junior high, I had to do the birthday dance called "Gray Squirrel." As soon as I walked up with my friends McKenna Wise and Mikaela Andringa, everybody in the room pulled out their cellphones, and they began to record our dance. I was so embarrased!!!
After church, me and my friends Reily Minton, Mikaela Andringa, Chelsea Beason, and Abby Zemis came over to my house and we just hung out. We had pizza, and then we had the richest chocolate cake you will probably ever have. Then we opened presents. I got money roses and a Jamba Juice card from Mikaela, a Borders gift card from Abby, a Warriors book from Chelsea, and a free lunch and a sweet-smelling candle from Reily. My best present would have to be the camera that I got from my family. It is a Nikon CoolPix. I should be getting it soon. I can't wait!!!!!!!
That night, my junior high group from church was given the opprotunity to go watch a great Christian rock band called Kutless. It was amazing!!!!! When Kutless came out to sing, screams erupted! The lights went everywhere, and all you could hear was the beating of drums, and screams coming from what seemed like only girls. The concert was abosolutley positively awesome!
Well thats my birthday celebration! See ya soon!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday Daddy!

Yesterday, my old man (I don't really think he's that old) turned the big 4-0. The day was full of fun, laughter, cake batter, paint, and balloons. It was really great to see my dad's expression when he opened his gift, a video, made by Mom, that included pictures from all the forty years of his life. It was truly amazing.
So Dad, if you are reading this blog entry, I want you to know that you are the dad that was described in those forty things on the CD. I love you, and all of us girls agree that you are the best dad we could ever have. I love you so so so so so so much!
Love, Bruce