Saturday, August 8, 2009

Montana So Far

OMG!!!!!! Montana is such a great place!!!! Our vacation has been wonderful! Let me tell you what we have done so far.
On Wednesday, the Mintons, my grandparents, and my family went on a tour of West Glacier National Park in one of the famous Red Bus Tours. We learned so much about the park, and we got to see some amazing sights. Thursday, we went white-water rafting down the Middle-Fork of the Flathead River. It was so much fun!!!! We went down class 2 and 3 rapids. The best rapid would have to be the Bone Crusher. I almost fell out of the raft on that one! But it was still great. Yesterday our family took a boat tour around Many Glacier in East Glacier. We also took some absolutely breathtaking hikes around Lake Josephine. That was really fun. Today, though, would have to be my favorite part of the trip so far. Earlier this morning, we had a energetic photographer, named Jamie, come over to my grandparents house, so she could take pictures of us! It was fun posing for pictures and getting to see more of the town that my grandparents live in. The pictures should be ready on Monday. We are anxiously awaiting that day!!!!
There are some of the things that I have done so far. Be prepared for more updates!!!!
See ya soon!


Anonymous said...

hey brookie!!! i can't believe i finally heve my own BLOG!!! now we can be even more in touch!!! im loving being in montana with u!!! its so awesome of ur gparents 2 let us use their house!!! g2g bye


Anonymous said...

ya it looks like you and ry are having fun in fun in montana.
P.s. i am taking german. i am just from Sweden. i just something random. thinking about the next translation.