Monday, September 7, 2009

School Updates

To start this blog entry, I made the Frosh/Soph team!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! Our first game is tomorrow against San Dimas. I am pretty sure that we will be motivated enough to beat them. Keep your fingers crossed that we do!
Speaking of school, my first week was good. I'm tired already. The order(and teachers)of my classes are:
1st period:Health Careers I(Mrs. Baun)
2nd period:Algebra I(Ms. Barberi)
3rd period:English 9H(Mr. Murphy)
4th period:Biology H(Mr. Alarcon)
6th period:P.E. 10-12(Mr. Baik)(Don't ask me why I have this class, I don't have a clue)
7th period:Spanish I(Ms. Barberi)(Yes, my math and Spanish teachers are the same people)
So, there you have it! School has been fun so far. Just pray that I don't forget where my classes are(There are a couple blondes in my family, so it's in my blood =)).
See ya soon!!!


Buzz Girl said...

Hey Brooke,
Cool sceldule!!!!!!!!! I hope you guys win too tomorrow!! I will keep my fingers cross tomorrow at the game. :) Hey that is very mean about the blonde thing in your family cause I am a blonde!!!!!!!! :() Well lets skip that, it is looking like your having fun at school can't wait to hear more about how school is going and how that blonde thing is going also!!!

{v-girl 4 God}

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Sounds like your schedule is right up your alley, TUFF!
But I think you will have fun and excel at the same time.
Good luck at your VB match, I hope you get lots of playing time.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

lol hey bruce~
congrats w/ v-ball.
short message, but i g2g.
c u sunday.