Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday Daddy!

Yesterday, my old man (I don't really think he's that old) turned the big 4-0. The day was full of fun, laughter, cake batter, paint, and balloons. It was really great to see my dad's expression when he opened his gift, a video, made by Mom, that included pictures from all the forty years of his life. It was truly amazing.
So Dad, if you are reading this blog entry, I want you to know that you are the dad that was described in those forty things on the CD. I love you, and all of us girls agree that you are the best dad we could ever have. I love you so so so so so so much!
Love, Bruce


Buzz Girl said...

Nice move with the OLD man.

Montana Mama said...

Hey Bruce,
Sweet message about your pop's birthday.
You guys are such a close family. That is a true blessing from God.
Good luck today at your VB tournament. Let me know how you did.
We will be visiting you again in about 53 days! Yea.
Love you, Ahma