Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Update on My Life!

Hey everyone! Just thought that I'd let people know what I've been doing lately.
Well, I have just joined the Tech Team in my juinor high group at church. Today was my first official job. It was so much fun! Well... except for the part when I couldn't get a slideshow to show up on the projection screen. Oh well. Better luck next time on that part. =)
Another event in my life is the desicion on high school. Oh my gosh, I will be a freshman next year! YIKES!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I(and by that I mean, my parents)have filled out a transfer application for Chino Hills High School! I am number fourteen on the waiting list. Please be praying for me to get in the freshmen class. I am really hoping to get in, so thank you for your prayers!
That's basically all the new stuff in my life! See ya soon!

1 comment:

The Hows said...

hi brooke! i finally found your blog by looking up meghan's! it's so good to hear from you! i'm going to add you to my friend's list. (btw, i looked up brucesblog and found some weird blog.) but i'm glad i found yours! keep in touch!