Monday, July 27, 2009

My Trip To The Beach

Yesterday, my family and close friends went down to the beach for a day of fun. Because of the surf contest that happened at Huntington Beach yesterday, we didn't get down to Bolsa Chica until 5:00. But we still had fun down in the water, searching for seashells,and eating at the campfire. We even found what we thought was a very smelly jellyfish buried on the beach! I thought I would share some pictures from the trip.

Meg and I in the car on our way to the beach.

Meg, Mom, and Susanne just chillin!

Kyle offered to pose for me!

Ryan being sweet!

We all had a great time last night. I hope you can see that in these pictures. See ya soon!

1 comment:

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Sounds like it was a wonderful day at the beach.
Ahma and I are really enjoying the great pics!
See you soon!!!!!!
Love Ya,