Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sophomore year...HERE I COME!

Well, today was the last day of freshman year! I am now officially a sophomore! Woo-hoo! I am so excited to have summer finally here! Yay yay yay! I'm gonna post some pics of the last day of they are!

Sam Sabella, Chrissy Zchomler, and Conrad Apffel being silly.

Me and excited for summer!

Christian, Mikaela, Chrissy, and!

Mikaela, Daisy Cortez, Reily, and I right after the final bell.

Tearso Torrento, Adinna Valdez, Mallory VanVoorhis, and Kacie in Alarcon's class!

My friend Amber Gordon and I after our last final!

My bestie buddy Natasha Nagy!(and me!:D)

Kacie and I...sophomore girls!

Well this year was a blast! Thanks to all my teachers! Mrs. Baun, Ms. Barberi, Mr. Murphy, Alarcon!, and Coach Moore. You all helped me so much! And to all my friends! I love you all! Just to name a few...Raquel Davidson, Liz Swanson, and Megan Kleinman, thanks for helping me in P.E. It would have been boring without you! Cullen, be nice to Natasha! And thanks for the great pen war! Natasha Nagy, Kacie Finneran, Reily, Mikaela, Chrissy, Conrad, Christian, Jacob, Krista, Alison, IAN!!!!, and Justin, thanks for being my you guys! To all my volleyball girls out there, its not summer until we're in the gym practicing! See you all soon! And finally, to Josh Harris, Trevor Hanlon, Tearso Torrento, Blayze Pothe, and Patrick Amirbehboody, thanks for always making Alarcon fun...I'll miss all the laughs!

Look out world...Brooke Buzzerio(sophomore...)is coming your way!

See ya soon!

1 comment:

Buzz Girl said...

Seemed like you had a lot of fun on your last day of school Freshman! haha! Now your a Sophmore and I am a 8th grader. All though what is so important about being an 8th grader! :/ not sure I have to think about that. Well glad you had an amazing day

Love ya!
