Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sacramento or Bust!

O.K... Sorry I haven't been on in a while, but I have been In Reno, Nevada, watching my sister Meghan in the Junior National Championships for volleyball, in Lake Tahoe, we've only stayed here for one night, and now we are heading out to Sacramento, California, for Courtney's missed 4th grade field trip.

This vacation has been so busy and fun! Not to mention tiring. I am so exhausted! But it has been a blast! In about an hour, we are going to Sacramento. Courtney's class this year went to Sacramento on a field trip for two days; but because we couldn't afford the plane ticket, she didn't go. That's the reason we are not home right now...haha! And that's also why Meghan won't be going on her video scavenger hunt, and I'm not at Raging Waters right now. Boo. But it's all family bonding, which i love! <3

Well gotta go! Loading up all my stuff in the car! Yippee!

See ya soon!

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