Sunday, July 5, 2009

High School Update

There are two updates that I want to mention that have to involve high school. The first one is...
I start high school volleyball camp tomorrow. I will either play the summer league for the JV team or the Frosh/Soph team. I really don't care which one I play for, I just want to get playing time, and I hope to get better as the summer progresses.
The second update is that I have discovered that I will be part of the Health Sciences Academy at C.H.H.S., and I also now know my class schedule. Here are the orders of my classes:
1st period: ROP Health
2nd period: Algebra 1
3rd period: English 9 Honors
4th period: Biology Honors
5th period: LUNCH!!!!!
6th period: P.E. 9
7th period: Spanish 1
8th period: (I'm guessing that this period is in the works for the administration of my school)
Finding this information has made me even more excited for school to start. A date to put in the calendar: August 31st is the day I start high school!
See ya soon!


Montana Mama said...

"WOW", your HS schedule is unbelievable!!!!!
I can only remember that mine was only about five classes and that included lunch and PE.
Good luck with VB and I'm sure you will perform beyond your expectations!
Keep up the good work and you will do just fine.
Luv Ya, Ampa

Anonymous said...

Ya lucky I wish I knew the order of my schedule. All i know is the periods of two classes. I"ll blog my classes in a little bit.