Friday, December 24, 2010

Montana: Day 4

Well, looks like I found a whole five minutes to post this morning!!!!! Today, as you all know, is Christmas Eve! That means, that here in Kalispell, we are having a Christmas Eve Costume Party!!!! I'm dressing up with A Santa mask, and garland around my waist. Hahahahaha, it should be really fun!
Also today, while we wait for dinner to finish cooking...we are going to go see a movie! My family has been wanting to see Tangled and The Chronicles of Narnia:The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Trust me, I want to see both of them...and both of the reviews are great! But, something is pulling my towards Tangled more...maybe because it's a princess movie with romance(and I'm a sucker for romance movies...), but The Dawn Treader has adventure and it looks funny in some parts...ugh! I can't decide!!!!!!!! Well, we're holding a vote soon...hopefully I'll decide by then!

See ya soon!
Joshua 1:9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss you
i wanna text you but its hard to do here in good ol' AZ
let's chat soon, yeah?
focus fox