Friday, December 31, 2010

Well...i thought the temperature was bad in Kalispell. We are in Dillion and the temp is registered at -1 degrees. the coldest was -13! BRRRRR!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Montana: Day 8

Well, today is my last full day in Montana...and get this, right now, as I am typing's snowing. Ugh, I don't wanna leave...who cares about the report that I have due when I get back??? I just want to stay here.

So, to recap on a few days that I was unable to post on...
Voyage of the Dawn Treader was amazing!!!!!!!!! The best one of them yet! I loved every minute of it! And for those of you(like me)who said Edmund Pevensie(Skander Keynes) wasn't cute, think again!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, great movie, I can't wait for the next one to come out!

Christmas was really fun. On Christmas Eve, we hosted a party at my grandparent's house. All the Potters, Dauges, and Pattersons came. We had a great time dressing up in Christmas theme for a costume contest. My mom(dressed as a christmas tree)got first place and Cinder(dressed as a present)got third! On Christmas Day, we opened our presents super early(we woke up at 6:30, so that's 5:30 for all of you SoCal peeps!)! Due to tight space in the car, "Santa" was only going to give us one present. Paige got a walking "FurReal Friends" dog that walks and barks(so far, Cinder doesn't really like her), Courtney got the new iPod nano 6th generation(it's super tiny!!!!), Meghan got the new iPod touch(I want her to get Angry Birds, but she thinks it's a boring game...whatever!), and I got a new Amazon Kindle! It's so fun and easy to use...and I'm done with one book and I'm halfway through another! My parents have to force me to get off of it...haha! :)

Another thing we have done over this vacation is skiing...yes I'm an old fashion person..I DO NOT SNOWBOARD!!!!!!(Mostly because I've never tried it...but still!) We drove up to the beautiful Blaktail Mountain Ski Area, abd the both days we have gone...we skiied the whole day!!!!!! It was so much fun! I skiied so fast!!!

Well, that's all the updating I need to do...I hope you all had a Merry Christmas...and if I don't see you before the ball drops in Time Square, have a Happy New Year! 2011!

See ya soon!
Joshua 1:9

Friday, December 24, 2010

Montana: Day 4

Well, looks like I found a whole five minutes to post this morning!!!!! Today, as you all know, is Christmas Eve! That means, that here in Kalispell, we are having a Christmas Eve Costume Party!!!! I'm dressing up with A Santa mask, and garland around my waist. Hahahahaha, it should be really fun!
Also today, while we wait for dinner to finish cooking...we are going to go see a movie! My family has been wanting to see Tangled and The Chronicles of Narnia:The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Trust me, I want to see both of them...and both of the reviews are great! But, something is pulling my towards Tangled more...maybe because it's a princess movie with romance(and I'm a sucker for romance movies...), but The Dawn Treader has adventure and it looks funny in some parts...ugh! I can't decide!!!!!!!! Well, we're holding a vote soon...hopefully I'll decide by then!

See ya soon!
Joshua 1:9

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Montana:Day 3

Well, today we are going to go to the Potterosa again! It's going to be a ton of fun, considering I get to see Otter and Leslie again...(Reily, if you are reading this post...they say hi!)
I'll try to post on Christmas, but we'll be at the Potterosa all day with Otter, Leslie, my cousin Danielle, her husband Brian, my other cousin Kari, and her husband Kit, along with my grandparents, parents, sisters, and Cinder! And I know that tomorrow will be super busy. We are holding Christmas Eve dinner at my grandparent's house!!!!! So, just incase I can't post on Christmas...


See ya soon!
Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Montana: Day 1

Had a great time today at the Potterosa! I also got to drive a quad...BY MYSELF! :D Now we are going to play some volleyball! Woo-hoo!
Makin Memories!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Drive to Montana:Part 2

We made it to snow! Next stop: Kalispell, Montana!
Makin Memories!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Drive to Montana

Well the drive to Montana has begun! So far, only rain...right now there's sunshine! More updates to come! :D
Makin Memories!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I love this time of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This year, instead of my grandparents coming down to cold, yet a balmy 60 degree weathered Southern California, me and my family are going to beautiful, yet 10 degree(FREEZING!) Northwestern Montana! Seriously, it's going to be that cold. But let's just say my family has gotten professional, when it comes to winter gear. I tried on all my stuff a couple nights ago, and I looked like a ninja! And if I was dressed normal, you probably would have said that I had a fever. I was that warm! It was so fact, you couldn't see any part of my body. No peachy colored anything!

Well we leave tomorrow. I'll try to post for the sake of my friends who live down here...cause they OBVIOUSLY DON'T WANT TO TEXT ME!!!! Hahahahhahaha. But seriously...for all my friends who read this blog, TEXT ME!!!!

Oh, and I made a Tumblr for my friend Dunja, cause she obviously doesn't want to look at Blogger. Here's the website:

And, family christmas card pic!


See ya soon!
Joshua 1:9