Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Montana & Hume or Bust!

Soon, (and by soon I mean Friday) I will be leaving sunny and busy California for beautiful and quiet Montana. The great part of the trip is not only are we going to see beautiful sights, go horseback riding, go river rafting, and do so many more things, we also get to travel with our friends, the Mintons! The bummer about the trip is that we are spending three, never mind make that FOUR AND A HALF(you can now probably tell that I don't like long road trips) days driving up there in a rented 15 passenger van. After we get back from Montana, our whole family is going to Hume Lake for summer camp! The theme is called, Hey Rube. It is a clown theme(Please pray for me and Meghan because we both don't like clowns!). This entire month is going to be soooo much fun!
When I get back from vacation, I will tell you all about our trip. And then school starts!!
See ya soon!

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Trip To The Beach

Yesterday, my family and close friends went down to the beach for a day of fun. Because of the surf contest that happened at Huntington Beach yesterday, we didn't get down to Bolsa Chica until 5:00. But we still had fun down in the water, searching for seashells,and eating at the campfire. We even found what we thought was a very smelly jellyfish buried on the beach! I thought I would share some pictures from the trip.

Meg and I in the car on our way to the beach.

Meg, Mom, and Susanne just chillin!

Kyle offered to pose for me!

Ryan being sweet!

We all had a great time last night. I hope you can see that in these pictures. See ya soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

High School Group Events

I have only been in High School group at church for a couple of weeks now, but we have already had several fun events. Here are the ones that I did(and will be doing)this week.
On Monday, we went to Laser Quest in Chino to play lazertag. This was so much fun! We all chose code names(mine were: I <3 Cindr, Buzzattack, and Bruce), and then we proceeded into the game. We went over all the rules in a special room, and then we entered the Airlock to put on vests and to wait for our mission to begin. Once we began we had 30 seconds to hide, and then before you know it, there were lasers shooting everywhere aiming for targets on your vest. The sad thing was, only 23 people showed up, and out of those 23, only five girls came(including me!). But it was still very fun.
Today, I have another event at my church. It is called Make Your Own Movie Scavenger Hunt. Each team is given their own camera, a theme(like High School Musical, a romantic comedy, etc.), and a list of things to find. Once we find the things in the list, we have to use them in the movie that we make! I am so excited for this!
That's an update in my life! See ya soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

High School Update

There are two updates that I want to mention that have to involve high school. The first one is...
I start high school volleyball camp tomorrow. I will either play the summer league for the JV team or the Frosh/Soph team. I really don't care which one I play for, I just want to get playing time, and I hope to get better as the summer progresses.
The second update is that I have discovered that I will be part of the Health Sciences Academy at C.H.H.S., and I also now know my class schedule. Here are the orders of my classes:
1st period: ROP Health
2nd period: Algebra 1
3rd period: English 9 Honors
4th period: Biology Honors
5th period: LUNCH!!!!!
6th period: P.E. 9
7th period: Spanish 1
8th period: (I'm guessing that this period is in the works for the administration of my school)
Finding this information has made me even more excited for school to start. A date to put in the calendar: August 31st is the day I start high school!
See ya soon!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

2009 Volleyball Festival

This past week, I have been in Phoenix, Arizona for the Volleyball Festival. On Saturday, me, my mom, and my two sisters spent four and a half hours driving from Chino Hills to Phoenix. That evening, my club, Rancho Valley, went to the Opening Ceremonies. My entire team dressed up in tie dye shirts, shorts, flip flops, and light up glasses. Then, after what seemed like waiting for forever in 110 degree heat, we went into the Phoenix Convention Center. Our team was introduced, and we walked down a giant catwalk! I felt like a superstar!
The next few days went by VERY SLOWLY. From Sunday to Tuesday, we played regular pool play. The first day was tough. We ended up third in our seed. But Monday and Tuesday were our comeback days. We came first in our pool both times! On Tuesday night and the whole day on Wednesday was spent with my parents and my sisters. Wednesday morning, we went to the Sky Harbor Airport to pick up Meghan and Dad, who had just arrived from Miami(you can read about this story on Meghan's blog, Bug's Blog). The rest of the day was spent hanging out at the pool.
On Thursday, we were prepared to play with only six players. Two of our teammates had gotten strep throat over the week, so we played the first game with no subs. I played middle blocker in that game. That was so much fun! By the second match, both of our sick players had gone to Urgent Care, and they had decided to play with us. That day ended with us in fourth place. On Friday, our last day, we played with seven players. On our last game of the year, after we had lost our first match, my dad offered me two dollars if i made a jump serve over. I took up his offer. The first serve of the game was from me. I jump served, and it was an ace!!!!!! We ended up losing the game but it was still awesome for two reasons: my team had fun for the last time together as a team, and I got two bucks!
The 2009 Volleyball Festival was so much fun! I want to send a shoutout to Kennedy, Emily, Danica, Dani, Clarissa, Taylor, Rocky, and Michelle for a great season. I will miss you all so much!!!! Hope to see you all next year!
See ya soon!