Monday, May 11, 2009

Freshman Orentation

On Saturday, my soon to be high school, Chino Hills High, had its freshman orentation. The entire theme was western, so there were cactuses, cowboy boots, bandanas, and lassos. When we walked through the student entrance, there were cheerleaders, athletes, and students in a line leading toward the gym cheering and waving bandanas in the air. We walked in the gym, where we met several student leaders, and some teachers. Then we gathered in groups, and we were given tours of the school. We saw the two gyms, the Chinese and German language rooms, the art room, the theatre, and many others. After that, all the incoming freshmen gathered in the center of the school, which is called Center Ice, and we signed up for summer activities that we would like to participate in. It was great to see all the friends that I left in elementary school. And to top that, some of them are going to the volleyball camp during summer, just like me!
Hope you enjoyed this update! See ya soon!


Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
We can hardly believe that you are going to high school this fall, what an exciting time in your life.
You will have so much fun with all of the things to do, and to be with your friends how special that will be!
Looking forward to hearing about all your cappers.
We are so proud of you.
Luv Ya, Ahma & Ampa

Buzz Girl said...

Hey Brooke,
Seams like a lot of fun you aare going to have in High Shcool next year. Hope you have an amazing time there with all your friends and seeing mom around sometimes. Good luck in High School
(Hope to see around in the fall)
Luv Ya,

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweat Pea,
We almost forgot about your upcoming VB trip to Phoenix with your club team and your Mom and younger sisters.
You have a fun time playing and I hope your team does well and so do you.
Remember to learn something new so you can help your team win a match.
Good LUCK, you can always use some of that too.
Wish we could be there to watch.
Really looking forward to seeing you in August!!!!
Luv Ya, Ampa