Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beach Volleyball Updates

I have found a beach volleyball partner. In a post, I said that I would be playing with Mackenzie Dandoy. Insted, I will be playing with Christi Cameron. Christi and I went to school together untill 3rd grade, and she is best friends with some of my best friends. She plays indoor volleyball for Impact, but is looking to move to Club West, which is where I play.
The first tournament that Christi and I will play in is the 14 and under beach volleyball tournament at Manhattan Beach on Saturday, July 19. We are both looking foward to our first tournament together as a group. I will post the results of our tournament when we are done with it.
See you soon!


Montana Mama said...

Hey Bruce,
Good luck to you and Christi. Have a great time playing on the beach and don't forget the sun screen! Hope you do well but if you don't, think of something you learned that will make you a better player for the next tournament.
Love Ya, Ampa

Montana Mama said...