Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Favorite Room in The House

In our house, which has 13 rooms, my number one room would have to be the media room on the second floor.
Let me describe the media room. It is the electronic place in our house because it is home to our big screen t.v., our computer, and our X-box. There are pictures on the wall of our entire family. Ther are also HUGE couches up there.
The reason why I think the media room is my favorite room is because our entire family hangs out there. Whether we are watching t.v.,checking out our blogs, or playing football on the X-box, we connect up there.
That is why the media room is my favorite room.

1 comment:

Montana Mama said...

It's our favorite room too and it is next to our bedroom. We love it when we stay with your family and enjoy all the activities in your favorite room.
We are really looking forward to our trip in August and seeing all you critters!
Love Ya, Ampa