Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Trip to the River!!!

From Sunday to Thursday, I went camping to the Colorado River. My family went with some of our closest friends: the Jackson's, the Rowland's, and the Minton's. We went tubing on the "pancake", went skiing, had many tire blowouts, had a boat break down that had to be fixed in Lake Havasu City, had a boat battery die, celebrated a birthday and an anniversary, and had a dog run across the 15 freeway. Pretty much what I would call a normal vacation!
The only downer about our vacation was the heat. When we got to the campground, Park Moabi, it was 120 degrees outside! It got cooler everyday, thankfully.
A pretty eventful thing that happened was when me and my friend, Reily, floated downriver to the next campsite! We were floating on a tube taking the current, and we had started paddling into shore too late!!! We were both freaked out so much!!! So when we reached the next campsite, we pulled the tube on shore, and we started walking back to our campsite. Only two problems: No people on that beach would help us, and, the sand was SUPER HOT!!!!!!!! Thankfully, we reached our beach with no blisters on our feet.
A great thing happened while we were on vacation. For the first time since I have been learning to waterski, I finally got up! The only bummer is I stayed up for only about ten seconds. But that still counts! I got up on two skis! (Now to try to stay up for ten minutes!)
Well, if your reading this, you may think that that wasn't a normal vacation. But in my book, it was!
See you soon!


Montana Mama said...

Hay Bruce,
You have to walk before you can run so only ten seconds is great and the next time I'm sure you will ski for a much longer time. I didn't water ski till I was much older than you are now so your short ski trip was a real acomplishment! Glade you didn't get any blisters. Stay COOL, Ampa

Buzz Girl said...

It was definately a trip to remember, and hopefully it won't be the norm of our vacations!!! I am so proud of you fighting through your fears and getting back out there to ski. You did it kid! Next time longer time up, right? I love you, Mom