Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Fun

Well, so far, today has been pretty eventful. The best thing that happened today was my drama practice for VBS this summer. The theme of the entire VBS is an adventure park called Son World Adventure Park. The characters are a princess, a frog, a cowgirl, a spaceman, and a pirate. I am the frog, William. I think that I am the funniest person in the entire play! None of my friends in the play could control themselves from laughing!
In the skit, a friend, the cowgirl, goes missing. All of the rest of the characters set off on an adventure to find her. On the way, we find out more about everybody and about themselves. I think this VBS is going to be awesome!
Stay tuned for my next update!


Buzz Girl said...

I can't wait to watch the final product at VBS. Thank you for helping out again this year. I love sharing in ministry for the Lord with you. God is great that He allows us to work for Him in things that we find are fun and enjoyable. I love you Brookie.

Buzz Girl said...

Hi Brookie!!
The VBS show sounds great!! I can't wait to to see it. see you Sunday at church!!