Friday, February 11, 2011

World War I

Imagine being this man, in the first World war, her hasn't seen his wife and kids since 1914, he has watched his friends die in front of his eyes, and he has lost all hope in surviving the war. This is his letter to his wife Molly, and his children Danielle and Mitchell.

Dearest Molly,
I want this war to be over. Those Germans never seem to want to call it quits. I fear that this war will never be over for me, and that I will never be able to see your beautiful face again. I pray to God everyday that I will be able to watch our kids play together in front of the radio before their show came on. How I miss them so.
If I could change anything about the war, it would be these horrendous trenches. These awful things could make even the strongest men break down. This is the worst thing I have seen in all my life. Thankfully, right now I am not in the front lines. However long I am in the back lines is how long I am guaranteed life. Even back here, the rats continue to eat us alive. These mangy cat-like creatures continue to eat our food and our equipment. But in the front lines, it's even worse. When a soldier dies, the rats usually go for the eyes, and then they continue their way in for the rest of their meal. I fear that one day I will become their dinner.
Another thing that sickens me to my core is the poison gas. Those Germans just want to kill us all. At first we were attacked by tear gas. It may have made me cry, but it wasn't as bad as the chlorine mixture that German doctor made. The first time they used it against my rank, I was stationed in the Marne river. The cloud was a strange yellow color, and at first, no one knew what it was. We were quickly ordered to put on our gas masks, and my comrade, Nathan, found his too late. I miss his company. He was my brother is this horrible place.
I wish to get away form these trenches. I am longing to see you and the children again. Tell Danielle and Mitchel that their father is safe and that he loves them very much. As for the picture I have of you and the children, I cherish it whenever someone dies. I know that I have you to look forward to when I come home to England. I love you very much Molly, and I cannot wait for the moment I see you again.
Yours truly,

P.S. I wrote you like it?

See ya soon!
Jeremiah 29:11


Buzz Girl said...

Really good brooke(; I like it a lot!! keep up the writing!!

Love always<33

Anonymous said...

Merci d'avoir un blog interessant