Saturday, February 26, 2011

My of 3:13 P.M.

Well, hiya people. I feel so awful. I haven't posted in TWO FULL WEEKS!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

So, I'm turning the big 16 on Tuesday! Yay! To celebrate, my mom and I are going to go to Glen Ivy Day Spa in Corona and get facials and girlie stuff like that! I'm really looking forward to that day. And as of right now, I have two presents staring at me with big eyes saying, "Open me!" trust me, right now i want to just tear them open and see what they are.

In other news, my dad was deployed to Christchurch, New Zealand, for the 6.3 earthquake that they had at the beginning of this week. I don't know when he'll be back, but if you can, please keep the whole 74 man team and their families in your prayers!

And now, I want to post some pictures. I haven't done that since we've gotten our new computer, so it felt like a right time to do so.

O.K. I lied. I can't see my pictures, because the Photo Viewer hasn't been updated yet. So maybe next time.

P.S. I added some Justin Bieber tracks to my blog...don't judge me! He is an awesome artist! If you don't want to listen to him, just scroll down to the bottom of my blog and skip his songs. But I suggest you listen to them, preferably Somebody To Love or Never Say Never. Thank you for listening.

See ya soon!
Jeremiah 29:11


Buzz Girl said...

Happy Birthday Brooke!(: hope you have a fantastic day with mom(:

Love always


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Happy birthday!
What a great time you and your Mom will have relaxing at the spa because it's her B-day too.
Oh and Justin Bieber, he also shares the same B-day as you,
what a coincidence!
Happy #16.
We love you bunches,
Ahma & Ampa