Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sacramento or Bust!

O.K... Sorry I haven't been on in a while, but I have been In Reno, Nevada, watching my sister Meghan in the Junior National Championships for volleyball, in Lake Tahoe, we've only stayed here for one night, and now we are heading out to Sacramento, California, for Courtney's missed 4th grade field trip.

This vacation has been so busy and fun! Not to mention tiring. I am so exhausted! But it has been a blast! In about an hour, we are going to Sacramento. Courtney's class this year went to Sacramento on a field trip for two days; but because we couldn't afford the plane ticket, she didn't go. That's the reason we are not home right now...haha! And that's also why Meghan won't be going on her video scavenger hunt, and I'm not at Raging Waters right now. Boo. But it's all family bonding, which i love! <3

Well gotta go! Loading up all my stuff in the car! Yippee!

See ya soon!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What to Do Today?

Well, up until 4 o'clock, I'm completely free. (Wow, did that feel great to say!) I'm just gonna watch T.V. and relax...aaaaahhhhhhhh.

O.K. something's seriously wrong with me. I never relax! What has summer done to me????? Its only been three days! And now I'm a couch potato!(yummy!) Well, I guess there are some pros to just sitting all day...let's see...
2. T.V. all day long
3. relaxation
4. relaxation
5. relaxation
That's about it! Now...the dreaded cons...(boo...)
1. Staring at a screen all day long
2. Not wanting to get up cause you're too stiff
And that's about what applies to me! Looks like there's more pros then cons. So, I'm gonna watch a bit of Spongebob if you don't mind.

See ya soon!

Who lives in the pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Sqaurepants!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lemonade Anyone?

Today, Meghan, Courtney, Paige, and I decided to have a lemonade stand! It was so much fun! The only thing, it was cloudy the entire time, but thats a minor detail. Even CInder, our dog, got into the fun! She managed to hunt down and kill two baby bunnies! Aside from all our screaming, she enjoyed the attention. Here are some pics from the day! Did I mention we made a ton of money?

Meg and I after the sale taking down all the posters.

Paige working so hard!

Courtney attracting customers.

The awesome lemonade stand!

The posters we set up all around the 'hood!

See ya soon!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sophomore year...HERE I COME!

Well, today was the last day of freshman year! I am now officially a sophomore! Woo-hoo! I am so excited to have summer finally here! Yay yay yay! I'm gonna post some pics of the last day of they are!

Sam Sabella, Chrissy Zchomler, and Conrad Apffel being silly.

Me and excited for summer!

Christian, Mikaela, Chrissy, and!

Mikaela, Daisy Cortez, Reily, and I right after the final bell.

Tearso Torrento, Adinna Valdez, Mallory VanVoorhis, and Kacie in Alarcon's class!

My friend Amber Gordon and I after our last final!

My bestie buddy Natasha Nagy!(and me!:D)

Kacie and I...sophomore girls!

Well this year was a blast! Thanks to all my teachers! Mrs. Baun, Ms. Barberi, Mr. Murphy, Alarcon!, and Coach Moore. You all helped me so much! And to all my friends! I love you all! Just to name a few...Raquel Davidson, Liz Swanson, and Megan Kleinman, thanks for helping me in P.E. It would have been boring without you! Cullen, be nice to Natasha! And thanks for the great pen war! Natasha Nagy, Kacie Finneran, Reily, Mikaela, Chrissy, Conrad, Christian, Jacob, Krista, Alison, IAN!!!!, and Justin, thanks for being my you guys! To all my volleyball girls out there, its not summer until we're in the gym practicing! See you all soon! And finally, to Josh Harris, Trevor Hanlon, Tearso Torrento, Blayze Pothe, and Patrick Amirbehboody, thanks for always making Alarcon fun...I'll miss all the laughs!

Look out world...Brooke Buzzerio(sophomore...)is coming your way!

See ya soon!