Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sick Days :(

Well, I bet you've guessed it by now, I'm sick. But it's just the typical fever. But, it's been good enough to keep me from school yesterday and my tournamnet today. Some people would say I'm lucky, and don't get me wrong, it was my first day off from school since the beginning of the year, but I kinda missed school. And then, I missed my tournament today. Boo. Today was the day where we won all of our games! Which, by the way, Great job Jackie, Savannah, Jourdanne, Janae, Marissa, Courtney, and Lauren(for cheering us on :)) You guys did great! I just wish I was there! But good news, I'm feeling better! I should be goin back to practice, and school. Yay!

See ya soon!

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