Saturday, May 29, 2010

FREE WEEKEND! (woo-hoo!)

O.K....this is unheard of for the Buzzerio family, but I have NOTHING going on this weekend! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, actually, I am doing something this weekend. I'm going over and having a sleepover at my best friend Kacie Finneran's house this weekend! It's gonna be a G.W.O.(girl's weekend out)! I am going over to her house on Sunday, we're gonna have some fun, and then we go back to school for another two more weeks till summer! One thing that we are for certain going to do is sign each other's yearbooks! The theme is...
in 2010.
(it's a whole lot easier to see on th actual cover but what it's kinda supposed to say is define us in 2010, hence the US in hUSkies is capitalized) I love my yearbook. It's awesome!
Well, I can't wait to go over to Kacie's house. I will post pics when I get back so you can see what a G.W.O. looks like! :D

See ya soon!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Yesterday, I went to the best Angel game ever! It was so much fun! Let me say, (and I know he won't ever come on this blog...)bu Kendry Morales saved the game! He had two...yes TWO home runs that game! and all together he got 4 RBI last night! It was so much fun to watch the fireworks and all the stuff. And I also got a free pillowcase! How cool is that?!?!?!?!?

Before the game, we had a tailgate party hosted by the Rowlands! (Thanks guys!) The party consisted of hot dogs and hamburgers(yummy!), soda(awesome!), a root-beer taste-test contest(personally, I hate root-beer), and cupcakes in celebration of Kayla Rowland and Meghan's 11th and 13th birthday. Oh, and I was also told that I ruined the game of baseball, cause I don't drink root-beer. But to me, baseball is full of peanuts, cotton candy, and lots of drinks(particualrly NOT root-beer!) So take that Riley! I thought I'd show you all some here they are!

See ya soon!
P.S. GO ANGELS!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sick Days :(

Well, I bet you've guessed it by now, I'm sick. But it's just the typical fever. But, it's been good enough to keep me from school yesterday and my tournamnet today. Some people would say I'm lucky, and don't get me wrong, it was my first day off from school since the beginning of the year, but I kinda missed school. And then, I missed my tournament today. Boo. Today was the day where we won all of our games! Which, by the way, Great job Jackie, Savannah, Jourdanne, Janae, Marissa, Courtney, and Lauren(for cheering us on :)) You guys did great! I just wish I was there! But good news, I'm feeling better! I should be goin back to practice, and school. Yay!

See ya soon!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Funky Fix up Photo Friday!

Thanks to [Laurea], I joined this thing called FFF, or what the title says. Check out the pics!
Here's my before pic...

...And the after result!

Now, I'm not as skilled as most people are, but it was still fun.
See ya soon!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Lot Of Pics...Sorry!

Recent Space Mountain pic! (I'm in the back next to hand got chopped off)

An old pic from me in 5th grade Science Camp!

A pic from Night of Champions back in 8th much fun!

See ya soon! Expect more pics!