Sunday, April 18, 2010

More Pictures!!!!

Well, I thought that I would put some more pics up to let you know who all my friends are, and if you don't know who I am(Ivoryleaf and Duskynose!) for you to know who I look like. So here they are!

Last night of Hume! So sad to leave!

Hume fun with Megan Fayte! Good times!

Battle of the Bone with Kacie Finneran! Winner:HUSKIES!!!!!!

Family pic in Montana! Absolutely love that place!

See ya soon!


Coral said...

Oh, my gosh!!! (can I call you Brooke here??)
You are so super PRETTYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..Hang on, is your country cold??? What country are you from...In Malaysia, everything is hot hot hot. We are on the equater winter....cold is only on the mountains, maybe Cameron highlands and Frasers hill.
It's all wet or hot, pick either and you get it bad. Especially now...
Anyways, you are so super PRETTY!

Buzz Girl said...

I live in the USA!!!!! The picture in the snow is in a place called Utah...I live In California. Basically, where I live is hot and humid, which makes really bad hair days! :)

Anonymous said...

IVORYLEAF IS RIGHT! You ARE so super PRETTYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you should change the picture on your header... You look amazzzzing without braces! :) I live in Australia, and it's around autumn here. The nights are cold, and today the temperature dropped to 16'C in the day! Term 2 started today and we are into our winter uniform... Bleahh! I hate it! Stockings, and itchy skirt and sweater, a blazer, a tie and a tuck-in shirt! They go over the top! Summer is over :( and all my summer clothes have been replaced by jumpers, coats, full-sleeve shirts, trackies..... June July here is the peak of winter and the days do get cold. -10'C sometimes even lower. And once more, you are pretty. Don't deny it! And your hair looks fine to me ;)

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Love the pics as I said before, keep'um coming.
See you in about twenty days!
Love Ya,