Friday, August 14, 2009

Home at Last, But Not For Long

Yesterday, at around 4:30 P.M., the fully decorated Candy Apple(that was our van's name) arrived at 14106 Sweet Grass Lane. Let me say something: I AM SOOOOOO GLAD TO BE HOME!!!!!!! I loved visiting Montana, but it was so nice to sleep in my own bed and not have my sheets taken away(Thanks Ry!), and not to be kicked in the legs(Again, thanks Ry!).
But as this title states, I am home for only two days until I leave Chino Hills once again for Hume Lake in Central California. I love it up there. It is so peaceful and serene. And the best part is,(actually there's two best parts) I get to spend quality time with God, and not only is my dad going to be a counselor, and my sister is going to be in the Jr. High section of the camp, but the rest of my family are going to be renting a cabin until Wednesday! I am so excited to have this happen.
When I get back from Hume, I will show my favorite pics from both vacations. Then we will start the countdown for...
See ya soon!


Anonymous said...

hola bruce~

ok i dont remember kicking u in the legs. but ok whatev. glad 2 b home 2. cant wait till hume. c u brite and early sunday morning!!!


Buzz Girl said...

Yup, brite and early. I DONT WANT 2 GET UP THAT EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What diid did you think i was? Asian??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

No offense to Asian!!!!!!!!!