Friday, September 5, 2008

Hume Lake!

I had the best time at Hume Lake this year! It was so much fun going up there to spend some time with my friends and to get closer to God.
The theme for this year was Rise of the Kinematics. When you went into the chapel, there was a HUGE robot staring down at you, and its hands would come down from the ceiling. How cool is that?!?!
Recreation was probably the best part of camp. You got to play games like the Fantastic Four, Relay Day, Dye Wars, and The Great Race. My team for rec was called the Granny Bots. My team ruled, but people said that we couldn't win because we were so old. Whatever! Overall, my team came in 5th place! We were so excited!!!!
Chapel was also pretty fun. We got to hear great music from the band, Campaign, we got to hear amazing truth from the Word of God from our speaker, Brent Crowe. At the end of the week, we got to go up to a place called Victory Circle, which was awesome. That week, I rededicated my life to God.
Camp was amazing this year. I am so excited to go to the High School camp in the years to come!
See ya soon!

1 comment:

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
We just got home at
4:15pm today (saturday). Ahma and I sure do miss you and all of your sisters; oh ya Mom & Dad too. Hope you have a lot of fun with your Mom this year in the 8th grade! We can hardly beleive you are almost a HIGH SCHOOLER. We LOVE you all. Keep up the good work.