Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm Back!

I just came back from an awesome trip at Shaver Lake, California. It was so much fun hanging out with all my friends!
During the trip, me, my dad, and Courtney all became sick! What a bummer! So on Wednesday, we drove down to Clovis to visit the Peachwood Medical Center Urgent Care. We were all given medications, and now we are feeling better!
Another exciting thing I did was I got up on 2 skis...for a whole minute! I was so shocked and surprised, but very excited at the same time!!! Next time, I hope I can ski longer.
There you have it... a glimpse of our adventure at Shaver Lake!

1 comment:

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
That was great about water skiing for a whole minute! Next time it will be for longer as you keep improving your skills and confidence. We have made a change in our trip and will be arriving in Chino Hills on the 21st instead of the 25th. We are very excided to see all of you.
Love, Ampa