Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Time!!!

Now, that it is officially summer, (HOORAY!) I have decided to give you the lowdown on the things I will be doing this summer.
First of all, I have decided to become a "silent servant" in my home. When I do things around the house without being told, I will earn money. At the end of the summer, all of the money that I have earned will go to support teenage cancer research.
Another thing I will be doing this summer is I will be playing my favorite sport of all time, with a twist. I will be playing beach volleyball. My partner will be a friend that was on my club team, Mackenzie Dandoy. I am so excited for this opportunity to play.
I will also be going on many vacations. Near the end of June, we will be camping at the Colorado River with some close family friends. And in July, we will be camping at Shaver Lake with friends from our church. And we may possibly going as a family to Palm Springs. I will also be going to Hume Lake with the Jr. High group at my church.
See ya next time!


Buzz Girl said...

Hey Brooke!
Love your blog!
Court =)

Buzz Girl said...

Cool Summer kid! Love you, Mom

Montana Mama said...

I think I'm finally in. Let me know if you receive this comment. Love, Ahma
PS this is going to be FUN

Montana Mama said...

This a second comment as a test to see if I can repeat this thing. I hope so because this is real difficult 4 an old person U know.
Tex me if this comes thru OK.
Love, Ahma

Montana Mama said...

Hi Bruce,
Watz happen?
Your summer time comment sounds great.
I am proud of you for working toward helping kids with cancer. Any amount will help.
I thank God everyday for the health of our family. It is a precious gift.
Talk later, Montana Mama

Montana Mama said...
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