Friday, June 10, 2011

Junior Year, Here I Come!

SOPHOMORE YEAR IS FINALLY DONE WITH!!!!!!! I honestly don't think I've ever been this excited for a summer vacation. All my finals went well, which, now that I'm thinking of it, why do we have the biggest tests of the year on the last day of school? It almost ruined my summer vacation mood...but not anymore! 80 days of pure freedom!

This year was definitely the went by so fast! Oh, and I'll practice driving over the sumer...I think I'm ok for being a 2 day driver!I cannot wait for 2 weeks to pass...Florida cannot come any faster!

My formula for summer:
Georgia+Florida+spending time with friends+Link Crew training+athletic training+watching(not playing!)volleyball+high school group activities+driving+hanging out with my family+sleepovers+sleep+barbecues+lots of T.V and internet+HUME=Summer 2011!

Look out world...Brooke Buzzerio(junior)is coming your way!

Love you all!
Jeremiah 29:11


NeedleGirlHaystackWorld said...


Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Only eight days; see you in Atlanta!
Bunch of LOVE,