Friday, May 27, 2011

Update! 5/27/2011

Just an update on life!

School: I made Link Crew! My Link Crew leaders with me are my friends from HSA and other classes: Carmela Delda, Ambika Rajaygor, and Jimmy Kingston. I'm excited to get started with that! Also, because I made Link Crew, I can get a Letterman's Jacket! Eeep! Also, I applied to our school's athletic training team! I've already had my interview, and I should find out on Wednesday if I made it or not! OOH! Speaking of Wednesday, I GET MY YEARBOOK ON THAT DAY!!!!!!! Yay! :D

Life: Going good right now...I'm excited to be taking a permanent break from volleyball(it was a tough decision, but I'm happy with not playing anymore...I'd rather be involved!)and participate in Sports Camp and VBS at church! I'll be doing worship for both activities, so I'll be worshipping and getting excersize at the same time!

Well that's all for now! Hope you have a fantastic Memorial Day weekend!

Love you all!
Jeremiah 29:11

Oh, and by the way, stay off the roads...just had my first drive with my family.


NeedleGirlHaystackWorld said...

sounds great!! you've got a great year ahead of ya huh? (: awesomeness dude!

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Both Ahma and I knew the day would come when our #1 grandchild would start to make adult decisions that would shape and effect her future. That day has come and we are very proud and excited for you and are sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for the next decision.
Whatever you set your mind to do, we know you will be successful and make for a happy future.
We will always be with you.
Love You Bunches,
Ahma & Ampa