Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chasing a New Dream

Well...until next year, my ASB percentage will have to remain at 75%. I didn't make the final cut. Of course I'm disappointed. Who wouldn't be? But I believe I did the best that I could that's still great. And I apprecite everyone supporting my application means a lot to me!

Now...I'm trying out for Link Crew! I am also wanting to find a way to help in the ASB hopefuly next year I'll be lucky enough to be in ASB.

See ya soon!
Jeremiah 29:11


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
We know what a great effort you put forth on trying for ASB and we are very PROUD of you!
Love Ya a Bunch,
Ahma & Ampa

Anonymous said...

hi bruce!

lovin' the new look here! its el perfecto para tu. for you and your loves (:

i know i'm one of them.

mucho amor,
ry :D

Anonymous said...

I love you baby! You make mom and I very proud! I love the blog, it's fun to see your creativity and your heart!
I Love YOU!

NeedleGirlHaystackWorld said...

love the new look on life & the new look on the blog ! (: <3

love chrissy z