Friday, March 11, 2011

I Hate Earthquakes...


Why must earthquakes and tsunamis be apart of our life? All it does is make the world hard. For the people who experience it first hand and for the people who are affected by the disaster.

Like me.

My dad found out at 1:00 AM this morning that if the team was deployed to Japan, he would be going with them. Now, I'm upset, as any hormonally infested 16 year old would be. But what makes me even more upset is that he got back from New Zealand on Wednesday. And now he's gone again for who knows how long.

I hate tsunamis.

So, as of right now, it is still unsure if the CA-TF 2(California Task Force 2) is leaving for Japan, but please continue to keep them in your prayers. Also, keep the families in your thoughts, especially the children. I know for a fact that many of the guy's kids are very young. It made me cry listening to them tell their dads that they loved them. So again, please just keep the whole operation in your prayers.

See ya soon.
Jeremiah 29:11

Did I mention I hate earthquakes and tsunamis?


NeedleGirlHaystackWorld said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Brooke!
I appreciate that you want me to be home. I do feel called to be able to serve the world in this way! and I'm fortunate to be able to go. Thanks for praying, and let's hope nothing else big happens for a while.