Monday, January 24, 2011

Student Stress Day! :D

No school for me today! After finals(which I did amazing on! BEST FINALS EVER!!!!) we get what is called a Student Free Day...but I like to call it a student stress day(thanks Mrs. H!). This weekend has been so much fun! All I've nothing...well actually a couple of things.

Coached Paige's volleyball game, had picture day for that as well. After, went to Meghan's first volleyball qualifier of the year, and watched her lead her team to a 3-0 start for the year!

Went to church...Paige, Mom, and Court went to Court's volleyball game(she was 2-1, so she starts in Division 2) and after babysitting the high school staff kids, I went over to Sam Sabella's house for the rest of the day! Conrad Apffel, Sam Sabella, Sean Sabella, Dillon McNichols, Brooke Paz(Spaz), Cory Simmons, Deidre Knight, Chrissy Zschomler, Sam Ortiz, Daniel Ortiz, Mikaela Andringa, Kevin Harwood, and Tim Hayes came as well. We washed his and Dillon's car, and that turned into a big soap/water fight with sponges and rags and a hose and a bucket full of soapy water. Then we came home(to Sam's house...)and played Super Smash Bros. Brawl the rest of the evening...we also watched Indiana Jones: the third movie( I don't know what it was called...but it was really good!)

nothing...Wii all day long.

Haha, but seriously...I am loving Student Stress Day...

See ya soon!
Jeremiah 29:11

P.S. Please pray for my mom and my sister Paige...they both have head colds. And also pray for my friend Cory, his grandma passed away last night. Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Our thoughts and prayers are with Cory and family at this time.
PS Stay relaxed.