Sunday, November 14, 2010


Short post for today...

Have you ever wondered how blessed we are? I haven' least not until I went down to L.A. with my dad for work. They have NOTHING. At all. And look at what we have. We want more...these people need more. We take all these things for granted. You never realize what you have...until you don't anymore. God is a Great God...and He has blessed us with what we have.

See ya soon!
Joshua 1:9


Anonymous said...

so true hun...
i can't believe it. and also im learning about, like, women's suffrage in history and stuff like that and im just like WOW.
you know what i mean?
talking later.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Looking forward to reading about your mission experiences.
Love, Ahma & Ampa