Sunday, August 15, 2010

HUME LAKE 2010!!!!!!!!!!

O.K. I just got back from an awesome week at Hume Lake! Excusez-Mwa?!... was totally amazing! I kinda lost my camera for a couple days, so I have pictures from the beginning of the week, and then the last two the pictures are kinda spread apart a little. Sorry about that. Haha. Anyways...back to Hume! Let me say, Rich Baker, Megan Fate, Tyler Miller, Marco(don't know his last name...), Chuck Bomar, and our band, Above The Golden State, WERE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They all made this week even better in their own little way. From the bike jump, to Kajabe Can-Can, to recreation, to the gauntlet(GO CHARLES!!!!), to Chuck's preachings, there's nothing i can really say. Its all so overwhelming. Now...for the pictures! Oh, and by the way, my team, the Leather Belts for OCT, came in 7th place! Top Ten Baby! And sorry for the long post of just pictures, but it was a really long week!

Group shot before leaving!

Spaz(Brooke(Twin!))and I!

Annie wanting one of Reily's free hugs!

My favorite landscape picture. There's fog on the lake!

The controversial picture of Sam and I(Just for you Sam!)

Deidre and I! So proud of Deidre, she became a full Christian on Tuesday!

Matt Gibbon and I!

Chrissy(<3 ya!) and I!

Love my daddy!

All of the gals!

I don't know why, but this is one of my favorie pictures! Devin, Tyler, Spencer, and them me...looking really weird...


Me and Peaches & Creme!

See ya soon!


Montana Mama said...

Looks like an awesome time at Hume.
Thanks for sharing the pics with everybody.
Love Ya,
Ahma & Ampa

Anonymous said...

and so on.
love all your pictures. my fave is of Annie through the window....that girl is literally off the wall! ...(get it?)...
i'll post on mine later.
stay curly, girly! (like the hair)
Yours in Pictures & Hume,