Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Crazy, Busy Life

Well, I have so much to do! That the next two weeks. As i write this, I am sitting in a chair in my pajamas with my hair all messed up...cause I am taking advantage of my three weeks off of volleyball. Yay! I can relax before it starts up again...NOT! On Sunday, me, Mom, Dad, Meg, Court, Peach, Kendie, and Nuckolls all leave to Park Moabi by the Colorado River for some camping with the Rowlands! That last until Thursday, only because I have to pick up a registration packet for school, and if I don't, I can't go to school this year. I only wish...cause that would be fun!
Then on Sunday, we leave for...drumroll please...
HUME LAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to go there. This year's theme is Excueze Mwa?(It's in French...haha) Im excited...did I already say that? Oops. There are smoothie and coffee shops, general stores, milkshake places(and other food), it's a little town that is my favorite place in the world.

Well, thats all for right now. Back to my relaxing day off!

See ya soon!

Hume Countdown: 11 Days!!!!!!!!!!!

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