Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti Earthquake

I'm pretty sure all of you have heard about the Haiti earthquake that happened almost a week ago. And you all might have heard that a Urban Search and Rescue Team from the L.A. County Fire Department was deployed to Haiti to help with rescue efforts. Well one of the people on the team in Haiti happens to be someone that I know very well. My dad boarded the U.S. Air Force's plane, called the C-17, that was departing for Haiti on Wednesday night. My dad is the Technical Info Specialist for the Blue Team in Haiti. If you have been watching the news, my dad's team is still finding people buried alive under the rubble. The team might be there for up to three weeks. Please keep them in your thoughts.
Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my dad while he has been away. It means a lot to my family. Again, thanks for all of your prayers.
See ya soon!

1 comment:

Montana Mama said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
Your Dad is always in our Prayers and so are you and the rest of your family.
We are so very proud of your Dad and also the rest of the LACFD USAR Team members. We Pray for their safety and a speedy return home.
My Gods hands be on each and everyone of them.
Love Ya, Ahma and Ampa