Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Boat Parade!

Tonight I'm going to be in the Boat Parade for Chino Hills!!!! My boat, the Buzzibbon II, is going to become Whoville for the second year in a row complete with Who girls(that's me!), the Grinch, and his trusty dog Max(at least that's what I think is going to happen).
Last year, I didn't get to be in the boat parade. :( I had to go to practice, and when we got home, it was already over. But now, I get to finally be a Who. And better yet, I might get to be in the Chino Hills Champion!!!!!(that's our local newspaper)
I'm so excited for tonight!!!! If you want to see the parade, go to Peyton Drive tonight by Ayala(ewwwww) at around 6 o'clock. Be's going to be FREEZING!!!!!!! And keep a lookout for Whoville!!!!
See ya soon(or maybe tonight...)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Promise Fuffliled...Never Mind:(

Heyy!!!! I wanted to show some pics of my trips that I took in August...I'm sorry that I didn't do this earlier! we go!

Well...I just discovered that I cant put pictures on my blog anymore! I'm going to try again. Hold on uno momento... I can't do it! It's so sad! You guys will never see my pictures(Unless you are Reily, Darby, Meghan, Courtney, Paige, or Ahma and Ampa)! :( Oh well. It's ok, I guess.

See ya soon!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I am so excited for Christmas!!!! In two days, I go on Winter Break!!!!! I am soooo ready for the TWO WEEK BREAK!!!! Need I say more?
I can't wait for Christmas. I asked for boots(I've never had any), a iHome(the one I have now is kinda broken), and other tiny stuff. If you can, write on my comments what you want for Christmas. Thanks!
See ya soon!