Monday, May 11, 2009

Freshman Orentation

On Saturday, my soon to be high school, Chino Hills High, had its freshman orentation. The entire theme was western, so there were cactuses, cowboy boots, bandanas, and lassos. When we walked through the student entrance, there were cheerleaders, athletes, and students in a line leading toward the gym cheering and waving bandanas in the air. We walked in the gym, where we met several student leaders, and some teachers. Then we gathered in groups, and we were given tours of the school. We saw the two gyms, the Chinese and German language rooms, the art room, the theatre, and many others. After that, all the incoming freshmen gathered in the center of the school, which is called Center Ice, and we signed up for summer activities that we would like to participate in. It was great to see all the friends that I left in elementary school. And to top that, some of them are going to the volleyball camp during summer, just like me!
Hope you enjoyed this update! See ya soon!

My "Suite" Adventure Part II

Sorry for getting back SO late to you on this, but I have news on the taping that I went to on April 24. IT WAS SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to bring any cameras or cellphones into the building, so I only have the pictures that I took before we went into the stage.

Me right after finding out that we got the tickets!

Mikaela during our break at McDonald's.

The Hollywood sign from the off-ramp in L.A.

The taping itself was so fun. We saw an episode that was ready to premiere on Disney Channel. Then we saw the episode that was going to be taped. Im so sorry, but I'm not supposed to share anything about the episode that we saw taped. I'll just say that the S.S. Tipton visits the famous Bermuda Triangle.

Thanks for wanting to read about my suite adventure! See ya soon!