Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Update on My Life!

Hey everyone! Just thought that I'd let people know what I've been doing lately.
Well, I have just joined the Tech Team in my juinor high group at church. Today was my first official job. It was so much fun! Well... except for the part when I couldn't get a slideshow to show up on the projection screen. Oh well. Better luck next time on that part. =)
Another event in my life is the desicion on high school. Oh my gosh, I will be a freshman next year! YIKES!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I(and by that I mean, my parents)have filled out a transfer application for Chino Hills High School! I am number fourteen on the waiting list. Please be praying for me to get in the freshmen class. I am really hoping to get in, so thank you for your prayers!
That's basically all the new stuff in my life! See ya soon!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me and my Mom!!!!!

On Sunday, my mom turned forty, and I turned fourteen! My birthday was definately one of the best birthdays ever.
Saturday night, we went to a surprise birthday for my mom. All of her freinds came and we had a great time. It was nice to see my mom just smile and have fun with her friends. Thank you to all the people who came to my mom's party! It was a huge success!!!
On Sunday, me and my mom woke up super early. We both got to open a few presents and then we were in the car, driving to church. In junior high, I had to do the birthday dance called "Gray Squirrel." As soon as I walked up with my friends McKenna Wise and Mikaela Andringa, everybody in the room pulled out their cellphones, and they began to record our dance. I was so embarrased!!!
After church, me and my friends Reily Minton, Mikaela Andringa, Chelsea Beason, and Abby Zemis came over to my house and we just hung out. We had pizza, and then we had the richest chocolate cake you will probably ever have. Then we opened presents. I got money roses and a Jamba Juice card from Mikaela, a Borders gift card from Abby, a Warriors book from Chelsea, and a free lunch and a sweet-smelling candle from Reily. My best present would have to be the camera that I got from my family. It is a Nikon CoolPix. I should be getting it soon. I can't wait!!!!!!!
That night, my junior high group from church was given the opprotunity to go watch a great Christian rock band called Kutless. It was amazing!!!!! When Kutless came out to sing, screams erupted! The lights went everywhere, and all you could hear was the beating of drums, and screams coming from what seemed like only girls. The concert was abosolutley positively awesome!
Well thats my birthday celebration! See ya soon!