Monday, January 25, 2010

Huskies 4 Haiti

It all started with an AMAZING sermon at church on Sunday called the Kingdom Assignment. Then Huskies 4 Haiti was born...

Reily(A.K.A. MY BFF!!!!) and I decided to start an organization called Huskies 4 Haiti. We are taking donated blankets and teddy bears to the people in Haiti. I am so excited to do this!!!! Not only might we take donations from church, we also might do it from school!!!!! That would be awesome!

Please pray for Reily and I as we do this. We are hoping to recieve 1,000 teddy bears and blankets.

See ya soon!
Huskies 4 Haiti

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti Earthquake

I'm pretty sure all of you have heard about the Haiti earthquake that happened almost a week ago. And you all might have heard that a Urban Search and Rescue Team from the L.A. County Fire Department was deployed to Haiti to help with rescue efforts. Well one of the people on the team in Haiti happens to be someone that I know very well. My dad boarded the U.S. Air Force's plane, called the C-17, that was departing for Haiti on Wednesday night. My dad is the Technical Info Specialist for the Blue Team in Haiti. If you have been watching the news, my dad's team is still finding people buried alive under the rubble. The team might be there for up to three weeks. Please keep them in your thoughts.
Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my dad while he has been away. It means a lot to my family. Again, thanks for all of your prayers.
See ya soon!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year(With Happy Beginnings)

Its another new year. Welcome to 2010. I'm so happy for this year. Only three more years till I graduate! Woo-hoo!
Speaking of woo-hoo...I GOT MY BRACES TAKEN OFF!!!!!!!!!!! My teeth are still really slimy even though i got them taken off two days ago. I am so glad to have a new smile.
Thanks for listening.
(Here's a recreation of the countdown last night)
10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!
See ya soon!