Saturday, October 10, 2009

Frosh/Soph Volleyball!

My team ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! So far, our record is 8 wins, and 1 loss. That's AMAZING!!!!! The only teams we've lost to are Los Osos and St. Lucy's :(. Oh, and we had an amazing day today at the Ayala Frosh/Soph tournament. Let me tell you about it.
Today we played awesome. We beat 5 teams, and we lost to two, Los Osos and St. Lucy's. We got third overall! 3RD PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of how well we did today.
Way to go Kira, Dani, Brooke, Taylor, Alexis, Amanda, Jessica, Christy, Kiana, and Tiffany! You guys all did great!!! I'm so glad I'm on the team with you guys. Thanks Kass for being an awesome coach!!!!! We COULDN'T have done it with out you.
See ya soon!
P.S. To all the Huskies who read this: Be on the lookout for a bright shiny trophy arriving at school on Monday!:)